Take the Pledge
The Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce is encouraging our community to establish a baseline for serving our customers and visitors by giving out free tools as an easy guide. Information changes regularly and we want to encourage businesses to be safe and, most important, stay up to date with recommendations as they change. Awareness of business participation will increase consumer and visitor confidence and encourage commerce in Pierre and Fort Pierre.
Take the pledge to be added to our business listing and to receive your full toolkit*.
- We have a COVID-19 plan and all staff are properly trained.
- We will stay home and get tested when we are sick.
- We will sanitize any high-traffic areas between each customer
- We will sanitize our hands between each customer
- We will utilize PPE to protect those we serve.
- Our facility is set up to meet social distancing guidelines
*Toolkit includes Work Hard. Work Smart. Work Safe. playbook, poster, checklist, and logo file (to use as you please on your website, Facebook page, email signature, etc.)